

立博中文版's Ocean Bank Center Receives 2009年NOVO大奖 From Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce

Linda Lecht接受了2009年大迈阿密商会颁发给海洋银行教育材料中心的NOVO奖, 总统, 立博中文版 (second from right) and Terry Curry, 海洋银行首席运营官(右一).

迈阿密, 4月2日, 2009年——立博中文版海洋银行教育材料中心获得大迈阿密商会(GMCC)颁发的2009年NOVO奖。, which honors excellence in non-profit business innovation.

立博中文版与私营部门携手合作,将资源引导到迈阿密-戴德县公立立博中文版我们的时事通讯最需要的地方. 立博中文版的使命是设计和推行各项措施,以改善立博中文版我们的时事通讯的教育质素,为公众教育缔造卓越. 三十年来,我们已经筹集了5100万美元用于提高迈阿密戴德公立立博中文版我们的时事通讯的学业成绩.

立博中文版主席, 琳达·莱赫特和海洋银行的首席运营官, 特里·库里在GMCC每月董事会会议上接受了GMCC主席卡洛斯·古兹曼颁发的奖项.

The Ocean Bank Center’s primary objective is to meet teachers' intense demand for educational tools, 供应, and resources that create the supportive environment students need to learn.

自1993年以来,海洋银行中心已经捐赠了8美元.1 million worth of 供应 during 26,000 teacher visits, reaching more than 1,000,000 students. 该中心位于市中心, 11,5000平方英尺的仓库,教师们在这里“免费购买”650多家当地企业捐赠的教学材料.

While resources are made available to the entire district’s 20,400多所公立立博中文版我们的时事通讯的000多名教师, its inventory of classroom 供应 is especially critical to teachers in low-income neighborhoods, where students sometimes don’t even have pencils or 纸. Items available at the warehouse range from the traditional staples of pencils, 蜡笔, 纸, 书, 还有尺子,更多样化的物品,包括织物, 纸板, 和油漆.

Before the Ocean Bank Center, there was no mechanism in place for businesses to donate to schools. 现在, 一声呼唤, a company can ensure that its goods are efficiently and effectively picked up and distributed. 事实上, 该中心是佛罗里达州第一个专门为公立立博中文版我们的时事通讯分发物资而建立的机构. 它作为一个再利用/回收中心的成功继续成为全国类似项目的典范.

The Center spawned another first-of-its-kind program upon receipt of 100 used computers. 通过FamilyTech, the Ocean Bank Center solicited and refurbished computers for impoverished families. 10个以上,000 needy families and 500 needy classrooms received computers, 以及对学生的培训, 他们的父母, 和老师. FamilyTech led the way in helping our school district fully incorporate technology in the classroom.